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Aruncus dioicus

Goats Beard

Large, loose, feathery creamy-white plumes atop rich green fern-like foliage. Lends a light & airy appearance to the garden.

  • »  Giant Astillbe-type plant
  • »  Tall whispy plumes of tiny, cream colored flowers

  • Category:Perennial
  • Hardiness Zone:3-7
  • Height:100-120 cm
  • Spread:40-50 cm
  • Bloom Color: White
Full Shade
Partial Shade
Foliage Color
Season of Interest (Flowering)
Season of Interest (Foliage)
Soil Moisture
Moist, Well-Drained
Growing & Maintenance Tips for Aruncus dioicus

Goat's Beard will grow its best in moist humus-rich soils. Grows well in full sun in northern climates and prefers partial or full shade in the southern part of its region. Insects and diseases don't seem to bother this plant. It is a slow growing plant in the first couple seasons, but once it is established it puts on a show year after year.

Plants and flowers resemble those of Astilbe. Tall, open plumes bloom early summer.