Growing & Maintenance Tips for Hanging Basket: Mixed Geranium
We recommend fertilizing these hanging baskets weekly with a balanced fertilizer like 20-20-20. Adding a slow release fertilizer on top of the soil is also recommended if weekly fertilizing is not practical. Follow manufacturers instructions for rates.
Keep baskets evenly moist. Geraniums can often tolerate being somewhat drier but many of the basket stuffers planted with them can not.
Deadhead geraniums as their flowers begin to dry. Follow the flower stem back to where it intersects with the larger stem and pinch it back at that point. If the geranium plants start getting too large for the basket, you can pinch the tops of the main stems back. This will keep the plant compact. Some of the trailing flowers may need to be deadheaded as well. If the trailers get too long for your liking, cut them back to keep them stocky and strong and to stimulate fresh, compact growth.