Ground Cover Plants For Sun
Ground-hugging plants can be shrubs, grasses, or perennials. Smothering weeds with their leafy stems, they help fill “sunny” difficult areas such as a steep, sloping bank or a rocky area, and next to sun-baked patios and decks. Species adapted to long periods without rain, such as alpines and succulents, are often tough in other ways. Many can withstand harmful insects and don’t require regular feeding or pruning.

Phlox Subulata "Candy Stripe" blooming in the spring
Whether your objective is to have a hillside or other area bathed in color, or to add some texture to the garden, these ground-covers are excellent options.
Achillea x lewisii "King Edward" (Wooly Yarrow) – has a dwarf, mat-forming growth habit dense with soft yellow flowers in June and July.
Alchemilla mollis "Thriller" (Lady's Mantle) - plant blooms tiny chartreuse blooms in late spring and early summer.
Antennaria Diocia (Pussytoes) – forms a very low, creeping mat of tiny, bright silvery-grey leaves with fuzzy red flowers that resemble a kitten's foot.
Alyssum wulfenianum “Golden Spring” – early spring bloomer lights up the garden with its bright yellow carpet like appearance.
Campanula garganica "Dickson's Gold" (Bellflower) – compact, low growing and mound-forming campanula features bright golden-yellow leaves and loose clusters of bright lavender blue flowers.
Dianthus "Appleblossom Burst" – mat-forming, vigorous grower with large, fragrant, double flowers.
Euphorbia polychroma (Cushion Spurge) – beautiful, mounded plants glow with golden yellow in the spring.
Gypsophila cerastioides "Pixie Splash" (Baby's Breath) – stems of small clusters of white daisy-like flowers with pink accents atop rounded green foliage that attract butterflies.
Phlox Subulata "Drummond's Pink" – for incredible, vibrant colour in the spring.
Stachys byzantina "Silver Carpet" (Lamb's Ears) - features fuzzy silvery blue-green leaves.
Sedum spurium "Dragon's Blood" – succulent perennial with pinkish, white flowers in summer
Sempervivum "Kalinda" (Hens and Chicks) – rosettes of emerald green leaves with tips that turn orange red in cool weather.
Strawberry "Seascape" - ever bearing, compact bushy plants have pink blossoms that mature large, deep red, full-flavoured berries.
Thymus Serpyllum "Elfin" (Creeping Thyme) - compact, mat-forming, fragrant ground cover with bright pink blossoms in spring.
Annual and perennial flowers, herbs and vegetables may be your garden mainstays and central focus of your landscape plan, but if you really want to make the most of your garden, you will add ground-cover plantings. With the right plants, your ground-covers can save you time and money in your long-term landscaping endeavors.